These carvings were based on a distorted self portrait. Both items were carved from freshly set plaster, allowing for easier carving and the creation of a big mess.
Imaginary Museum Placcard (IMP):
Surreal Self Portrait 1 & 2
Plaster Carvings
February, 2007
The smaller nose was carved from a Solo cup sized chunk, and the larger one from a gallon milk jug.
Mrs. G (I dont think she likes it when I call her Mrs G) says I should move onto carving stone for my final project, but i really like working with plaster.
We have also been working with clay. Working with clay was ok, but messier than i care to deal with. I felt like I had to stop to wash my hands every five minutes.
Next is wire sculpture.
I sort of expect them to start thumping around and making noises. Like those dufflepuds in Narnia.
don’t you need a skull-and-knitting needles avatar or something?